Thursday, August 7, 2008

Back to school Shopping

So that's what we did yesterday and today. I bought matthew his clothes, and then today we bought this school supplies. Matthew picked out this awesome backpack and I picked one out for Jonathan:(
**sniff sniff** Then it hit me...he is going to go to school, no more baby. No no...I'm done, so don't even think about it LOL!!!
Matthew and his rocker backpack LOL.

Jonathan loving his Thomas backpack.

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  1. Awwww, they are too cute! Love the Backpacks!

  2. love the backpacks! I know what you mean about the last one going off to school!! So sad. But just think, now you have your days of SILENCE in the house! WOOOT WOOOOT!

  3. Thanks guys...Jonathan was happy with his thomas backpack. Although I'm digging the silence LOL!!

  4. Cool backpacks! Jack will want a Thomas one if he sees them LOL
