Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Operation: Potty Training.

I'm going to do it. Jonathan turns 3 at the end of the that week is going to be hard core potty training...I'm staying home for that week. I bought him Thomas underwears...and I'm ready to go. I'm sick and tired of changing diapers...especially poopy ones....I'm sooooo done!
So wish me luck and I have to make sure to stock up on some wine LOL!


  1. Good luck, lady. We are at the end of our potty training journey with Christian. I guess he was more ready than I thought. We haven't ventured to any stores yet or anything like that, but he's pretty good to go in the house.

  2. Good luck Monica! Jack still likes to poop his Thomas undies (*sigh*) but won't pee in them at least!
