Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Kortright Christmas

What a great christmas we had. This is Matthew with his new computer...that thing is awesome!
Where are the other pics you ask...well like a dumbass, I left my charger with battery attached at my BIL house 45 minutes away...arghhhhhh!!!!but he is coming over to give it to me...he is going to the outlets...so it's on his way. Stay tuned more pics tomorrow:)

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Thank you!

So in my moms group we decided to send care packages to the troops fighting the war. One of the girls Valerie is organizing this and she said that the troops respond well to Thank you's....so we are all going to send them pics of our cute kids saying thank you:)

Sunday, December 9, 2007

My Tree

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